Usually a group based program, the IOE House Intensive Program reverts to a 1:1 support model within the house during COVID-19 lockdowns. A favourite part of the program among the groups is always having their families over for dinner. However, this is no longer possible with the restrictions in place. One of the program participants, Jarrod, together with program worker, Dianne, started to run with the idea of an Uber Eats style meal delivery to Jarrod’s family.

That night, the pair were inspired by watching the Scooby Doo movie and this is how Scoober Doober Eats was born! Jarrod and Dianne did all the shopping and food prep together (as they normally would in the program), cooked up a delicious chicken parmigiana, packaged it up and delivered in to Jarrod’s family who live locally. The idea was such a hit that Dianne decided to replicate it for David and his family later in the week; lasagna this time! Jarrod, Dianne and David have all enjoyed developing the Scoober Doober Eats idea and loved being able to think outside the box under challenging circumstances.

During their two day and one overnight stay at the House Intensive property, they also do lots of forest walks, practise some simple bush yoga and enjoy activities like drawing, writing, card and board games, puzzles and general conversation at home. And of course we do our general household tasks as well; bed making, dishes, floors and bathrooms, etc. It’s a great program whether group based or 1:1.’ Dianne, House Intensive Support Worker.

Click for more information on the House Intensive  Program.